Things are not always the way we see or hear them….
Having struggled with a hearing loss the past few years, I am sensitive to the acoustics in the churches I work with. Most of them have really good acoustics for singing but the sound tends to disperse making it hard for people with a hearing loss to understand what is being said. Many churches have sound systems, but this simply makes things louder – not more understandable.
About a month ago a new/returning woman turned up at
Now I have always thought of the use of screens as a way to appeal to the young and overcome the confusion of the Prayer Book for new comers while at the same time saving paper. It never occurred to me that it might also be an issue of hospitality allowing people with a hearing loss to join in the worship with others.
Kathy, the woman you speak of was back again this Sunday! and two new people (a young couple) were in the pews and could follow along as well. Even in Lent, I wanted to shout "alleluia"!